photo of Laura Couto Rosado

Laura Couto Rosado

Prod & Interaction Designer
Digital Alchemy

Laura Couto Rosado is a product and interaction designer based in Geneva (CH). She is the 2017 Collide Pro Helvetia Residency Award recipient and is currently spending three months at CERN, exploring design principles inspired by fundamental particles and the way these are described by physicists. Her practice is characterized by the constant search of symbiosis between design, science, and technologies. Inspired by fundamental and applied physics, she designs hybrid devices that reveal beauty and poetry where one does not expect it. She is teaching in the Master Media Design department at HEAD Geneva School of Art and Design and co-founded Digital Alchemy, a design studio that combines digital and analog technologies to create a new generation of smart domestic objects. She received the prestigious Grand Prix Award at Design Parade 2014 Villa Noailles in France.

[Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.]

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Laura Couto Rosado
Events featuring Laura Couto Rosado