photo of Joshua Henderson

Joshua Henderson

Springboard Enterprises

Joshua Henderson is the Vice President of Springboard Enterprises (, a non-profit organization that supports women entrepreneurs in life sciences and technology. Since its inception, Springboard has accelerated 599 women-led companies, which encompass 11 IPOs, $7.2 billion raised and tens of thousands of jobs created. Joshua’s expertise lies in building, maintaining and expanding relationships with and within entrepreneurial ecosystems. In Joshua’s role, he oversees Springboard's programs and leads their strategic initiatives, which are designed to create new business opportunities, partnerships, and growth for the women entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts in the global Springboard expert network. Joshua joined Springboard as the Director of Programming in 2008, where Joshua led the process to source, evaluate, select and coach over 150 high-growth, women-led companies in healthcare, life sciences, and technology as they sought access to the human and financial capital needed to scale. Joshua formed Springboard's 50-person Life Science Council and is also the Geek-in-Residence at Springboard where he leverages technology to streamline and augment the organization’s operational capabilities. Prior to Springboard, Joshua founded and chaired Georgetown University’s Business Plan Competition (now Hoya Challenge) and helped spark an entrepreneurial movement at the University, where he graduated with a B.A. in Psychology and English.

[Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.]

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Joshua Henderson
Events featuring Joshua Henderson