Warriors of Liberty City
“Warriors of Liberty City,” a docuseries from PGA award-winner Evan Rosenfeld explores a crime-ridden neighborhood in Miami, Florida that is arguably the NFL’s largest, most successful football factory. The series follows a season with the Liberty City Warriors, a youth football program founded by an unlikely mentor: Luther Campbell, also known as “Uncle Luke.” Before Liberty City native Barry Jenkins won his historic Oscar® for Moonlight, the city was best known for producing some of the biggest names in football. It's a place synonymous with poverty and violence, but in the face of incredible challenges and tragedy, the Warriors learn to triumph both on and off the field.
The screening will be followed by an extended Q&A moderated by ESPN’s Maria Taylor. Director Evan Rosenfeld will be joined by Luther "Uncle Luke" Campbell, Maverick Carter, and Duke Johnson
[Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.]
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Directors: |
Evan Rosenfeld, Andrew Cohn |
Executive Producer: |
LeBron James, Maverick Carter, Pam Healey, Evan Rosenfeld, John Hesling, Luther Campbell |
Principal Cast: |
Luther "Uncle Luke" Campbell, Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson, Devonta Freeman, Barry Jenkins, Lavalrick Lucas, Jr., Lavalrick "Dread" Lucas, Sr. , Tysheka Lucas, George Harris, Jr. , George Harris, Sr., Herbert Ritchie |
Additional Credits: |
: Chatarius "Tutu" Atwell, Jr., : Destiny Martinez, : Robert "Lamont" Beneby, Jr., : Rashawn Beneby, : Duke Johnson, : Tangela Sears, : Santonio "Blaze" Carter |
Public Film Contact: |
Publicity Contact: |
Kristin Silady