
RegisterRight!: The ABCs of Protecting Your IP

Mar 13, 2018

9:30am – 11:30am CT

This session requires RSVP, and access will only be available to badge types listed under "Primary Access."

Creating a song, script, app, invention or business is just the beginning of any creative’s journey. Too often that can also be the end of the road. Because when creatives focus solely on the creative process without adequately protecting their intellectual property, they leave their copyright, trademark, and patent rights at risk or forever lost altogether. The rules are complex and confusing. This workshop demystifies "the big three" types intellectual property (copyright, trademark, patent) and lays out the specific steps every creative needs to take to protect their IP rights. Specifically, this workshop:
- Offers straightforward, clear, and concise definitions and explanations about IP rights
- Provides a detailed roadmap through the critical first steps of identifying and registering IP rights
- Details concrete steps creatives and inventors can take to register a copyright, trademark, and patent
- Explains how startups can avoid intellectual property disputes and the benefits of timely registration
- Explains how to create a trademark portfolio that doesn’t break the bank
- Outlines best practices when enforcing copyright, trademark, and patent rights against infringers
- Covers copyright transfer termination and how to reclaim your copyright after an assignment or license

[Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.]

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Tonya Evans

Tonya Evans

UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law

photo of Shontavia Johnson

Shontavia Johnson

Clemson University

photo of W Keith Robinson

W Keith Robinson

SMU Dedman School of Law

Primary Access
Film Badge
Interactive Badge
Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Format: Workshop
Type: Session
Level: Beginner