"Myths, good Bets, and Realities: Breaking the Health Digital Deadlock through Big Data and AI"

Mar 11, 2018

2:30pm – 3:10pm CT

Moderator: Elena Poughia, Managing Director At DataNatives and DataConomy

Sandro Mur, Founder and CEO at Bellabet
Anthony Gerardi, MBA, Chief Operating Officer of Enterprise Analytics
Gwynneth Ballentine, Digital Health Innovation Lead, TMC Innovation Institute
Sangeeta Chakraborty, CCO, Ayasdi

Big Data and AI are buzzwords when it comes to healthcare future. From public health, to personal patient data and transparency of medical documentation, to care personalization, to the future of work for clinicians, the expectations on Big Data impact are at times astonishing and at times alarming. On the other hand, the collaboration between Healthcare providers, start-ups and tech companies, each with its complementary set of capabilities, is uniquely positioned to seize the opportunity big data promises. This panel will look at how to cross the Health Big Data chasm and accelerate the pathways to digital transformation as well as how big data will impact existing business models within the healthcare ecosystem.

[Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.]

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

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