Most Beautiful Island
"Most Beautiful Island" is a psychological thriller examining the plight of undocumented female immigrants hoping to make a life in New York. Shot on Super 16 with an intimate, voyeuristic sensibility, "Most Beautiful Island" chronicles one harrowing day in the life of Luciana, a young immigrant woman struggling to make ends meet while striving to escape her past. As Luciana's day unfolds, she is whisked, physically and emotionally, through a series of troublesome, unforeseeable extremes. Before her day is done, she inadvertently finds herself a central participant in a cruel game. Lives are placed at risk, while psyches are twisted and broken for the perverse entertainment of a privileged few.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: |
Ana Asensio |
Executive Producer: |
Peter Phok, Jose Maria Garcia, Ahmet Bilgen, Selim Cevikel, Christopher Todd, Gill Holland |
Producer: |
Jenn Wexler, Chadd Harbold, Larry Fessenden, Noah Greenberg, Ana Asensio |
Screenwriter: |
Ana Asensio |
Cinematographer: |
Noah Greenberg |
Editor: |
Francisco Bello |
Production Designer: |
Almitra Corey |
Sound Designer: |
Jeffery Alan Jones |
Music: |
Jeffery Alan Jones |
Principal Cast: |
Ana Asensio, Natasha Romanova, David Little, Nicholas Tucci, Larry Fessenden, Caprice Benedetti |
Public Film Contact: |
Glass Eye Pix
Publicity Contact: |
Sales Agent: |