
Draw to Win: Innovate With Your Visual Mind

Mar 10, 2017

4:00pm – 4:30pm CT

Ninety percent of all information transmitted today is visual. If you want to be in the conversation, you need to be visual too. The problem? Drawing, visual logic, and spatial communication aren't taught in the schools that most businesspeople, entrepreneurs, and technology people attend. The solution? This little book describes the Ten Commandments of visual thinking: how to use your visual mind to lead, sell, and innovate.

Ninety percent of all information transmitted today is visual. If you want to be in the conversation, you need to be visual too. The problem? Drawing, visual logic, and spatial communication aren't taught in the schools that most businesspeople, entrepreneurs, and technology people attend. The solution? This little book describes the Ten Commandments of visual thinking: how to use your visual mind to lead, sell, and innovate. Why draw? Because more of your brain is dedicated to vision than to anything else. How to draw? Simple: start with seven basic shapes and you can combine them to draw anything. What to draw? If you're the leader, draw your vision. If you're selling, start a sketch then share your pen. And if you're innovating, simply draw your idea upside-down. With the simple tools in DRAW TO WIN to guide you, you’ll be a visual master in no time – even if you can’t draw.

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photo of Dan Roam

Dan Roam

Digital Roam Inc

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Format: Book Reading
Type: Session
Track: Design
Level: Beginner