Presented by MediaPost
Media vs Fakers & Haters In the Post-Fact Era
In late 2016 cycle, fake election news posts on Facebook proved more engaging than those from recognized, trusted sources. Social media anonymity fed a bilious swamp of hate, anger and offensiveness that traditional media never allowed. This cycle taught us that partisans now feel entitled not only to their own points of view but to their own facts. As digital distribution appears to be disrupting traditions of civic discourse, what is the fix? Is this Facebook’s and Twitter’s problem or major media’s? Do we throw algorithms, tech or editors at this? And if so, who determines “quality” and trustworthiness when readers seem to distrust all media?
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Julia Beizer
The Huffington Post

Angie Drobnic Holan

Tom Januszewski
The Associated Press

Jim Rutenberg
The New York Times