Make it Pop: Navigating The Modern Film Landscape
Over the last ten years the unstoppable forces of digital filmmaking, have driven down the cost of producing. Movies have become more affordable to make, which has allowed directors more creative freedom, but has caused the sheer number of films produced to sky rocketed. However, the ultimate goal of successfully placing a product on the shelves of Walmart or Netflix remains a long-term goal for any filmmaker. These elements combined prompt the question: how can an independent filmmaker successfully market his film in such an overcrowded environment? Claiming to have a secret formula is absurd, but following a few rules can maximize your chances to get your film seen by an audience.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Hugues Barbier
CatbirdLake LLC

Mickey Keating
Mickey Keating

Annick Mahnert
Screen Division

Michael Moran