
Date TBA

Computers are taking over: store clerks are being replaced by automated machines, pharmacists swapped out for robotic arms, and driverless cars are hitting the road in the very near future. Oxford University researchers estimate that in 20 years 47% of US jobs will be automated.

So, how should we talk to computers? What is the best way to tell them what to do? How do we build this automated world?

What if you could pass tedious tasks to a computer? In areas like advertising & communications it seems impossible to imagine, but you can tell a computer to do anything as long as you know how to communicate with technology. Embrace the future & learn how to tell a computer to do your job!

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of David Wortley

David Wortley

Taylor James

Primary Access
Platinum Badge
Interactive Badge
Secondary Access
Music Badge
Film Badge
Format: Solo
Type: Session
Level: Intermediate