Building Smart Applications That Learn

Creating a smart web or mobile application is much easier when you have access to state-of-the-art image, language, and machine learning functionality. We will demonstrate how to build powerful applications that can understand natural language, either from textual or audio sources, make use of computer vision functions, such as face and object recognition, and easily access external data sources. Finally, we will show how to use machine learning to create a self-learning application. This workshop will be interactive, with participants creating their own application and deploying it on the cloud, mainly using the Wolfram Language.
Christopher Wolfram
Wolfram Research
Christopher Wolfram is a full-time student at an online high school. Over the last 3 years, Christopher has given talks at World Maker Faire NYC, the Wolfram Technology Conference, and was given a ...
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Sebastian Bodenstein
Research Programmer
Wolfram Research
Sebastian received his PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Cape Town, for work on precision quark mass determinations and an analysis of the current discrepancy between the experiment...
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