New Cancer Tech: Is Easy Detection A Reality?
One way to outsmart cancer is to find it earlier and groundbreaking science is making this goal more attainable now than ever before. In this panel, a leading cancer scientist, an entrepreneur, a cancer survivor and a journalist will discuss the pros and cons of new technology that enables detection of genetic, molecular and cellular changes in cancer cells. We’ll examine new ways to check DNA – in blood, poop and possibly saliva – and consider if and when early detection makes sense. We’ll weigh in on marketing these new kinds of tests directly to consumers, and the regulatory and economic implications of novel detection strategies.

Elaine Schattner
Journalist, Physician, Cancer Expert, Patient Advocate
Contributor to Forbes Media
journalist, physician, humanist, patient advocate

Kevin Conroy
Chairman & CEO
Exact Sciences
Kevin T. Conroy is President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Exact Sciences. In 2004, he joined Third Wave Technology where he was the company’s General Counsel. From 2005 to ...
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Luke Timmerman
Timmerman Report
Luke Timmerman is a biotechnology journalist, author, and entrepreneur. He is the founder and editor of Timmerman Report, a subscription publication for biotech insiders, and is a contributing writ...
Show the restSam Hanash MD PhD
Dir of MD &erson's Red & Charline McCombs Institute for the Early Detection & Treatment of Cancer
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. Hanash currently serves as director of the Red and Charline McCombs Institute for the Early Detection and Treatment of Cancer at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. In addition, ...
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