Bot Party

Building code then breaking from script, Bot Party is a pioneering improvisational comedy showcase, mish-mashing robotics, theatre, puppetry and magic. Produced through Austin’s hybrid arts Fusebox Festival, Bot Party features human performers improvising alongside robots including Annabelle, an original intelligent conversational robot run through a network of Android tablets, and PUMA, a 30-year-old industrial arm repurposed to play party games. Can theatrical robots be trusted with autonomy while keeping their human counterparts relevant? Can a machine responding to audience feedback generate a perfect joke? Show creators discuss challenges and hacks of character and circuit.

Arthur Simone
Coldtowne Theater
Arthur Simone is an actor, artist and co-founder of Austin’s ColdTowne Theater. He graduated in Theatre from Oberlin College and studied improvisation at Chicago’s Improv Olympic. As a film and tel...
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Martin Triplett
Red Sky Robotics
Martin retired at 35 from a career in Silicon Valley to start a real estate business in 2005. Since then, he has been building autonomous intelligent robots that educate, make people laugh, and so...
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