SXgood Stories: Ending Gun Violence
What if the nation's leading social innovators, schools, university campuses, and business and community leaders came together to scale the best entrepreneurial solutions to end gun violence? Sounds crazy? After all, gun violence is one of the most stuck issues in the nation’s history.
At this SXgood Hub session we seek to do what innovators do best - take a new and disruptive approach by focusing on social innovations that are solving entrenched problems like mental health, community tensions, ethnic and religious conflicts, domestic or family violence, lack of data, and alienation of young people. Innovations that could be scaled to make a significant dent on the gun violence epidemic in the country.
So join us for the Ending Gun Violence SXgood Story + Lab to understand, contribute to and help scale solutions that could bring the power of social entrepreneurship to a problem that badly needs a fresh take.
This sessi...
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Casey Woods
Exec Dir
Arms With Ethics
Casey Woods is the founder and Executive Director of Arms With Ethics (AwE) a non-profit that creates common-sense, locally based and replicable initiatives for reducing the illegal flow of guns. A...
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Gabriel Reilich
Head of Video
Gabriel began his career working in film financing and packaging at WME, then joined GOOD where he developed feature films, including the Best Original Screenplay Oscar nominee "The Messenger." In ...
Show the restJeffrey Smith
Assistant Professor of Politics and Advocacy
The New School

Margot Hirsch
Smart Tech Challenges Foundation
Margot Hirsch is President of the Smart Tech Challenges Foundation (STCF), a nonprofit focused on reducing gun violence through technology and innovation. STCF was formed in 2013 to help bring smar...
Show the restSachin Malhan
Exec Partner
Ashoka Changemakers