Respond and Protect: Expert Advice Against Online Hate
Not only is online harassment emotionally and physically taxing - but it can also be detrimental to your personal safety. In this panel, experts will discuss methods on how to stay one step ahead of potential hackers, safeguard your personal information and the necessary steps to report online harassment.

Alon David
Red Button
28 years old, lives in Israel, co-founder at The Red Button.
(The Red Button is a social impact startup that fight against cyberbullying by allowing each user to anonymously report through the Red...
Jonathan Godfrey
Dir of Communications
ACT | The App Association

Jonathan Vick
Asst Dir Cyberhate Response
Anti-Defamation League
Over ten years as an anti-cyberhate strategist. Previously with Hearst Publishing for online marketing, marketing for Philips Electronics and trade development intelligence for the British Govern...
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