2016 Schedule

Interactive: March 11–15  •  Film: March 11–19  •  Music: March 15–20

Ready for a Revolution? 30 Days to Jolt Your Life

Sunday, March 13
5:00PM - 5:30PM

Austin Convention Center
Room 10AB
531 E 4th St

Take a journey of deep reflection that has the potential to transform your life. Learn more about this 30-day adventure that will jolt your life to a new level of engagement. Gain insight into yourself, your relationships, and your world. These opportunities to reflect can lead you to significant change as you think about your life, your habits, and your desires. Author Dr. Froswa' Booker-Drew states, "This journal is a guide, not a solution. I am a believer in reflective learning. My goal is to make you thinking. In understanding your story, you can begin to implement the changes you desire.

Hashtags: #sxsw #FroswaLifeJolt


Froswa Booker-Drew at SXSW

Froswa Booker-Drew


Soulstice Consultancy

Dr. Froswa' Booker-Drew has an extensive background in nonprofit management, partnership development, training and education. She is an author and assists a number of organizations through her busi...

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