Presented by: Booz Allen Hamilton
Turning the STEM Talent Pool into the Ocean
There is a highly documented negative trend for women in technology with a downward slope in the percentage of women making up the technology workforce. Statistics note that women in IT hold only 9% of management positions and 14% of senior management positions in Silicon Valley startups while they maintain less than 25% of STEM jobs industry-wide. Yet according to a recent Pew study, women were noted as likely stronger at working out compromises and working to improve quality of life. Other studies note how women excel in “soft power” and the key traits of collaboration and reciprocal relationships. So will this industry reverse the trend of women in STEM, and better yet, in technology
Cheryl Wade
Sr Mgr Diversity & Inclusion
Booz Allen Hamiton

Margaret Arney
Booz Allen Hamilton
Susan Penfield
Booz Allen Hamilton