DATE-ONOMICS: It's Not You, It's the Ratio

Fortune writer Jon Birger's book, DATE-ONOMICS, uses demographics, economics and biology to explain a familiar phenomenon: the single, college-grad woman who can't find love. He argues that lopsided gender ratios—4 women graduating college for every 3 men—are behind the hookup culture, declining marriage rates, and even the rise in campus rape. There are long-term solutions—fixing “the boy problem” in our schools—plus dating strategies for women frustrated by the gap and by men who exploit it. Another topic: How Silicon Valley’s rare oversupply of men supercharges wealth creation, forcing men to compete and leading to one of the highest marriage rates, and lowest divorce rates, in the U.S.

Jon Birger
Author, Journalist & Fortune Magazine Contributor
Jon Birger is an award-winning journalist, contributor to Fortune Magazine, and author of "DATE-ONOMICS: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game" (Workman Publishing, September 2015). For Fortune...
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