2016 Schedule

Interactive: March 11–15  •  Film: March 11–19  •  Music: March 15–20

Page to Stage: Creating New Art from Old Plays

Monday, March 14
12:30PM - 1:30PM

Westin Austin Downtown
Paramount 1
310 E 5th ST


Attempting to recreate a historical moment of theatre can steer the future of performance toward something entirely new. Using extant reviews, playbills, engravings, songs, paintings, and historical references - all provided by scholar collaborators, the Hidden Room Theatre has been working to recreate original practices for plays from the 17th and 18th Centuries. In doing so they have not only been able to shed light on how these plays may have been performed and received, but have created forms of theatre not seen in the modern era. It's an exciting time to be a historically-minded practitioner, and wildly impactful to be a scholar willing to let their research come off the page.

Hashtags: #sxsw #Page2Stage


Beth Burns at SXSW

Beth Burns

Artistic Dir

The Hidden Room Theatre

Beth Burns is the artistic director/theatrical deviser for the Hidden Room Theatre. The Hidden Room specializes in original practices classics, technologically forward thinking new works, and rare...

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Eric Colleary at SXSW

Eric Colleary

Cline Curator of Theater & Performing Arts

Harry Ransom Center

Eric Colleary is the Cline Curator for Theatre and the Performing Arts at the Harry Ransom Center. He holds a Ph.D. in Theatre Historiography from the University of Minnesota. Prior to coming to th...

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Judd Farris


The Hidden Room Theatre

Judd Farris is a teacher, actor, and Hidden Room collaborator living in Austin, Texas. He has previously worked with Professor Tiffany Stern on Der Bestrafte Brudermord and The History of King Lear...

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Tiffany Stern

Professor, Early Modern Drama

Oxford University


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