Understanding the Business of Christian Hip Hop
The CHH genre is growing at a very exponential rate and there are more and more indie artists, managers, and promoters in this genre wanting to be included and recognized but don't have the know how, the skills or resources to do so. Our genre is growing, but it's still hasn't grown in the area of business expertise. This panel will include CHH industry leaders to not only bring more awareness of the genre, but to help the new players coming in by discussing some of the problem areas on the business side, how to resolve those problems and practical business advice for those that need it.

Adam Thomason
Collision Records
Itinerant speaker (globally) / Collision Records CEO/ Doctoral of education candidate (Ed.D
Jason Watson
Lamp Mode
Who is Json? Maybe you've heard him on one of Flame's 4 albums. Maybe you've heard him on 13 letters or any of the other Reach Records projects. You may have picked up his debut album The Seasoning...
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Joseph Prielozny
Word Entertainment and Cobra Music Group
Joseph Prielozny, who had served as an on-staff producer at Reach Records since 2008, is now an A&R at Word Records.
Word Records is a subsidiary of Word Entertainment, a Christian label under ...
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Trisha Bell
At the core of Trisha Bells existence lies a deep connection to and passion for the Arts for over the last 15 years. Beginning as a dancer, choreographer and actress, Bell has expanded her talents...
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