Presented by: Dell
The Emerging Millennial Consensus on Tech Policy
From crowdfunding to the sharing economy, open data to the open internet, millennial policy makers and innovation advocates around the worlds are disrupting the partisan divide on the emerging issues of the new economy. As early adopters of these technologies, millennials have pioneered a "post-partisan" governing environment that embraces innovation. Hear from millennial policy makers and influencers on how they are bringing fresh ideas to the policy debates on technology and creating some unlikely alliances along the way.
Krysten Sinema
US Congresswoman
US House of Representatives

Luis Viguria
Chief Exec Officer
Young Americas Business Trust, Organization of American States
Luis A. Viguria
Chief Executive Officer, Young Americas Business Trust
Organization of American States
Luis Viguria is an international professional with more than 14 years of experience work...
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Steven Olikara
Millennial Action Project
Steven Olikara (@StevenOlikara) is Co-Founder and President of the Millennial Action Project (MAP), a national, nonpartisan organization dedicated to activating young, millennial policymakers to le...
Show the restTravis Moore
Founder & Dir
Travis Moore is the Founder and Director of TechCongress, which is incubated at the Open Technology Institute at New America. TechCongress organizes the Congressional Innovation Fellowship, which e...
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