How Nursing Informatics Elevates Unsung HIT Heroes

Healthcare is evolving and changing at unprecedented rates thanks to the utilization of new and emerging technologies. This brings us great innovations in the care we provide, but it is not without it’s casualties. In order to combat the threat of staff revolt, passionate and skilled nursing informatics professionals rush to the front lines to save the day. Although these IT crusaders are at the forefront of digital change, they often work behinds the scenes in hospitals, and if they do their job well, you might not know they exist at all.
It's time to honor these champions as they are the unsung heroes of Health IT.

Brittney Wilson BSN RN
The Nerdy Nurse LLC
Brittney Wilson, BSN, RN, also known as The Nerdy Nurse, is an award-winning author and blogger, national speaker, and a highly influential social media personality.
Brittney works hard to help ...
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