Game On: The Role of Games and Play in the Workplace
Games and playing have been foundational in developing team dynamics, encouraging learning, and generating creative ideas since we were all on the playground. We're all pre-programmed to connect through play.
This talk will explore the role games play in developing a cohesive environment in the workplace. Lately, co-locating spaces have been moving toward more relaxed, playful environments, with table tennis, video games, and board games all as part of the space. Games and play can not only have a huge impact on the work environment itself, but on the culture and the creative potential of employees as well. How can we help this culture evolve inside of a complex organization?
Glenn Carrere
Glenn Carrere has been playing games since his dad accidently left the Sega Master System on. He grew up in Los Angeles, the oldest of five children, and discovered the joy of learning and teaching...
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Dig Prod Mgr
Capital One
Matt started his first company with the management of comic book conventions and the realization that he geeks out at people geeking out. He's since help run some of the largest conventions in the ...
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