Cause and FX: The Good and the Bad of VR for Causes

Virtual Reality experiences can be powerful tools for causes. Reel FX Director Kevin Althans and AT&T Exec. Dir. of Integrated Brand Marketing, Management & Advertising Michelle Kuckelman discuss the VR campaign “It Can Wait”, on the mortal danger of texting and driving. Specular Theory Founder/CEO Morris May discusses “Perspective”, which stunned Sundance 2015 with a VR date rape experience. Immersive journalist/VR pioneer Nonny de la Pena places viewers in a bombing and refugee camp in “Project Syria”. VR engenders empathy, but does gamifying add distasteful levity to serious issues under the guise of “entertainment”? Could VR experiences be so traumatic as to alienate viewers from a cause?

James Pallot
Emblematic Group
Jamie Pallot is a co-founder, with Nonny de la Peña, of Emblematic Group, pioneering producers of virtual reality news and documentary content. He was formerly Editorial Director of Condé Nast Digi...
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Kevin Althans
Reel FX
Kevin has been working as a director, DP and visual effects supervisor for 20 years, plying his trade in commercials, virtual reality experiences and features. In the co...
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Michelle Holmes
Exec Dir/Integrated Brand Mktg, Mgmt & Adv
Michelle Kuckelman, Executive Director of Brand Marketing, Management and Advertising, leads a team responsible for the strategic development and deployment of brand-level marketing initiatives to ...
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Morris May
Specular Theory
Morris May has been a special effects expert in the motion picture industry for more than 25 years. He has worked on 30+ Hollywood films, including two Academy Award winners: Spiderman (Best Visual...
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