Adaptive Interactions in the Internet of Touch

The wave of second-skin connected devices like smartwatches unlocks a new interaction paradigm of tiny haptic interactions. Vibro-stimuli have proven to be a very strong new interaction form. In this workshop you get introduced how to design for this ‘internet of touch’.
The workshop is for everyone that plan to add haptics to their designs. You get an update from the latest research on haptic interactions and will explore hands-on the power of vibro-stimuli and feel different vibration-types and experiment with them. In a short design session we discuss the use of the stimuli and make a basic communication device.
No specific preparation or materials are needed to take part.

Iskander Smit
Innovation Dir
Strategy director at Internet Agency, based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We design and develop game changing online platforms. As strategy director I advice clients on the impact of onlin...
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