Design vs (Climate) Doubt: DesignThinking+SciComm
From climate change to evolution, GMOs to nuclear power, the science community is on the defensive as shifting perceptions of authority and denial narratives undermine consensus. We often assume that people are misinformed: if we could just explain the facts clearly, then everyone would accept what we know to be true. Unfortunately, that’s not how science understanding works. Research consistently shows that simply giving people more information does not persuade them – it may even polarize them, depending on how that information threatens or affirms their social identity. This talk will illustrate the value of Design Thinking as a powerful weapon for combating science denial.

Jennifer Briselli
Managing Dir of Experience Design
Jen’s first love was science, but while earning her physics degree she fell in love with the challenge of communicating as much as she loved researching. She spent several years designing learning ...
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