Using Data Science to Catch Legislators in the Act

Governments make more data available every day, yet the most useful information often remains buried or obscured. The Sunlight Foundation and The University of Chicago’s Center for Data Science and Public Policy use technology and advanced data science to shine a light into government data dark places. Our teams have worked together to find and expose the continued use of earmarks despite their federal ban in 2010 and to reveal state-level legislation that was actually written by lobbyists rather than the politicians who “authored” them. You’ll leave with a better sense of how to use public data to step into and expose political processes and reveal the true workings of government.
Derek Willis
News Apps Developer

Joe Walsh
Data Scientist
University of Chicago
Joe Walsh is a data scientist at The University of Chicago Center for Data Science and Public Policy and senior policy analyst for Community Technical Resources. He has had several years of experie...
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Kat Duffy
Labs Dir
Sunlight Foundation
Kat Duffy is the Labs Director at the Sunlight Foundation, where she guides the development of technological tools that make government and politics more accountable and transparent. Prior to join...
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Matthew Burgess
Phd Student
University of Michigan
Matthew Burgess is a PhD candidate in the Computer Science department at the University of Michigan. His dissertation research is in network and text mining. Most recently his work has focused on d...
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Matthew Heston
PhD Student
Northwestern University
Matthew Heston is a PhD student at Northwestern University in Technology and Social Behavior, a joint degree in Computer Science and Communication Studies. He works in the Social Media Lab where he...
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