No Basic Pitches: Publicity By the Journalists
When it comes to the proper pitch, it’s important to remember the audience you are trying to reach out to: PEOPLE. It may seem easy to assume music journalists are just drones spewing out reviews, but we are indeed humans who love this crazy industry we call music. Most successful publicists start off as journalists, and those who don’t can sometimes lack the perspective necessary to provide a successful pitch to a potential writer. In this panel, take a lesson from the publicists who are also journalists, featuring publicists/writers at companies like Another Reybee Production, Alternative Press, Bottle Cap Media,, Muddy Paw PR, Sonicbids, Substream Magazine, and many more.

Angela Mastrogiacomo
CEO & Pub Dir
Muddy Paw PR
Angela Mastrogiacomo is the owner of Muddy Paw Public Relations and music blog Infectious Magazine. She has founded several chapters of the international music industry meet up Balanced Breakfast, ...
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Jacob Tender
Alternative Press Magazine
Finding his roots in music by way of Simon & Garfunkel tapes on his living room floor at age 7, Jacob Tender sold his soul to the industry at a young age. By 18 he had an editor's gig at Under The ...
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Josh Hammond
Another Reybee Production Inc
After stints drumming for both The Afternoons and Jenny Carr and the Waiting List in the Lawrence/Kansas City music scene, Joshua Hammond found his footing as a music journalist, launching the nati...
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Maria Gironas
News Writer
Substream Magazine
Most people never fully grasp what they want to do for a career until much later in life. For Maria Gironas, she knew she wanted to be a music publicist since the age of 12 years old after meeting ...
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