Gamer’s Voice Stage presented by GameStop
Want to get a first look at the best games in the Indie Corner? Join the developers as they take the stage to do exclusive demos, activities, and analyses of their games.
1:00 | Radical Rebels (Pixel Pushers Union 512)
1:30 | The Magic Circle (Question)
2:00 | Breaker Blocks (Spriteborne)
2:30 | Odallus (JoyMasher)
3:00 | STRAFE® (Pixel Titans)
3:30 | Gang Beasts (Bone Loaf)
4:00 | Pinstripe (Atmos Games)
4:30 | Armello (League of Geeks)
5:00 | Super Sky Arena (Hammer Labs)
5:30 | SUPERHOT (SUPERHOT Sp. z o.o.)
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SXSW Gaming