Impact Investing Rumble Hosted by Jean Case

Join us for a memorable Impact Investing point/counterpoint debate exploring whether or not impact investing really is the next big thing when it comes to creating change in the social sector. Two champions of impact investing will take on two nay sayers in a tag-team style debate to fight it out over whether or not one can really invest and receive financial returns… AND do social good. Throw out your Robert's Rules of Order for this lively exchange and come ready to cheer on your side!
This event is part of the Social Good Hub Program, learn more at
Located in the Social Good Hub Theater
Jake Brewer
Managing Dir of External Affairs
Jean Case
The Case Foundation
Jigar Shah
Generate Capital
Ross Baird
Exec Dir
Village Capital
Sonal Shah
Executive Director
Beeck Center For Social Impact And Innovation
Music Badge, Film Badge, Interactive Badge, Gold Badge, Platinum Badge, Artist Wristband