YouMake ReMake: YouTube Meets Stage

YouMake ReMake, the brainchild of acclaimed Israeli artist Renana Raz,
is a unique multi-disciplinary performance, consisting of artistic stage responses to YouTube videos.
YouMake ReMake finds in YouTube an enormous source of inspiration; a gateway into an endless, rich and fascinating reservoir, containing almost anything one can imagine.
During the show, the audience gets to see both the reaction - the "Remake" - and the original YouTube video. both the video and the stage remake gain an added value, born out of this new encounter. The remakes change and manipulate the original video; they play with and display perceptions and contexts; they turn things inside-out and upside down and also raise bigger questions, such as: What is fine-art? What is inspiration? And how does context affect the way we experience art?
Renana Raz will provide a sneak peek into the performance, the idea behind it, how it was born and will suggest a new way of watching content in the virtual world.