City 2.0: Why Local Gov. Bets on Civic Innovation

Rapid technological advances, explosive urban growth, and changing economic dynamics are presenting a host of new challenges for U.S. cities. In order to stay competitive, urban leaders are re-envisioning how to run their cities, from meeting the basic needs of constituents to tackling complex urban challenges.
Leaders from cities like Boston, Chicago, New York, and San Francisco have embraced a new approach. By using open data, adopting new technologies, and leveraging the talents of their most creative citizens, these cities are betting on a new era of policy-making.
Civic innovation is taking root in municipalities across the country. But is it effective in tackling real urban problems? Or is this latest trend all hype and no game? The movement’s drivers in each of these cities will convene to discuss their unique and varied approaches, sharing best practices, pain points, and suggestions for how to take civic innovation past a well-designed transit app.
Brenna Berman
Commissioner & Chief Information Officer
Chicago Department of Innovation and Technology
Brenna Berman joined the Emanuel administration in 2011 as Deputy Budget Director focused on enterprise initiatives and performance management. After a year in that role, Brenna transitioned to DoI...
Show the restBrian Kenner
Deputy Mayor
DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development
Jessica Singleton
Digital Dir
Office of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
Currently the Digital Director for the City of New York, Jessica has a background in political campaigns. She previously served as the Digital Director for Bill de Blasio's mayoral campaign and ser...
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