2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

Social Data in the Time of Cholera

Sunday, March 15
5:15PM - 5:30PM

Austin Convention Center
Ballroom B
Austin Convention Center

Since Twitter data was first used to pinpoint the spread of cholera in Haiti after the earthquake, the use cases for Twitter data in humanitarian causes have multiplied. Twitter data research has been used to identify postpartum depression, help with natural disaster response, identify outbreaks of food poisoning, understand attitudes around smoking and so much more. With social data serving as the largest archive of human behavior to ever exist, how can we turn this data into real-time warning systems? I’ll look at how social data has been used in the past, our own research and endeavors and the possibilities we see for social data in humanitarian efforts going forward.


#sxsw #dataheal


Scott Hendrickson

Data Scientist


Dr. Scott Hendrickson is the Principal Data Scientist at Gnip (a subsidiary of Twitter), the world’s largest and most trusted provider of social data. At Gnip, he is responsible for data science pr...

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