Need for Speed: Optimizing the User Experience

The web has gotten fat and slow. The average web page is now a bloated 1.7MB and takes over 5 seconds to load (longer on mobile). Why? Designers have taken the prevalence of fast broadband as an excuse to load up web experiences with large image carousels, intricate sharing widgets, and oodles of video. However, data-intensive design frills come with substantial but unaccounted costs.
This talk will explain how we can battle page bloat and improve user satisfaction, increase conversion and revenue, improve sustainability, and ensure inclusivity.
1. A look back at the history of web design trends and how they have led to poor performance.
2. How to benchmark speed and how to identify a sites fatty tissue.
3. Approaching performance from the full stack of design, from strategy onwards.
4. Web design cliches that slow you down, and how to avoid them.
5. What will speed look like? How art direction will have to change to ensure speed in the post-Retina world.
James Christie
Sr Experience Designer