7 Days In Hell
A fictional documentary-style expose on the rivalry between two tennis stars who battled it out in a 1999 match that lasted seven days.
*This film is screening as part of SXsports, and will also be open to Interactive badgeholders.
Section: Special Events
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Year: 2015
Runtime: 50min
Director: Jake Szymanski
Executive Producer: Jonathan Buss
Producer: Andy Samberg, David Bernad, Murray Miller
Screenwriter: Murray Miller
Cinematographer: Craig Kief
Editor: Dan Marks
Production Designer: Todd Jeffery
Principal Cast: Andy Samberg, Kit Harington, Michael Sheen, Will Forte, Lena Dunham, Fred Armisen, Mary Steenburgen, Karen Gillan, John McEnroe, Serena Williams
Director Bio
Jake was hired by Will Ferrell and Adam McKay in 2007 to be their first in-house writer/director for Funny or Die. 3 years and 100+ sketches later, Jake joined Saturday Night Live to direct their digital shorts. He is currently prepping his feature debut, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, for 20th Century Fox.
Distributor: HBO
Publicity Contact
Mara Mikialian