
A group of friends- Connor Young, Ryan Phillips, Denise Collins, Matthew Reynolds, John Elliot, and Trista Waters- are having their annual winter get-together at Connor's lake house. The night takes a violent turn when Ryan and Connor break away from the group for their traditional polar bear plunge. Ryan falls victim to low water and freezing temperatures; and after a frantic attempt to save him, the group watches their beloved friend die. The film then transitions to a time after Ryan's death, as each friend experiences flashbacks and other effects of the various stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and lastly -experienced together- acceptance.
Section: Texas High School Shorts Competition
Premiere Status: World Premiere
Country: USA
Year: 2014
Runtime: 4min
Director: Garrett Monk, Calvin Herbst
Executive Producer: Brent Morton
Producer: Abbie Vandruff, Talia Miller
Screenwriter: Abbie Vandruff, Calvin Herbst
Cinematographer: Poom Wattanapan
Editor: Calvin Herbst
Sound Designer: Grant Byrd
Additional Credits: Key Grip: Grant Byrd
Principal Cast: Garrett Monk, Garrett Braun, Ryan Hance, Haley Yates, Miranda Moses, Will Moffet
Director Bio

Garret: I'm Senior at Richardson High School and I've been doing film for the past 6 years. I intend to continue by attending Savannah College of Art and Design next fall.
Calvin: I'm a Junior at the Richardson High school in the communications magnet, I enjoy hiking, film, frisbee, and basically anything where
Public Film Contact
Garrett Monk
Publicity Contact
Poom Wattanapan