Petting Zoo

A story of love, sex and teen pregnancy in San Antonio, Texas. PETTING ZOO is the portrait of a young woman coming into her own, in an environment that does not always present ideal circumstances.
Section: Visions
Premiere Status: North American Premiere
Country: Germany/USA/Greece
Year: 2015
Runtime: 90min
Director: Micah Magee
Producer: Michael Weber, Viola Fuegen, Johan Carlsen, Friederike Steinbeck, Athina Rachel Tsangari
Screenwriter: Micah Magee
Cinematographer: Armin Dierolf
Editor: Chris Wright
Production Designer: Utah Snyder
Principal Cast: Devon Keller, Austin Reed, Deztiny Gonzales, Kiowa Tucker
Director Bio

Formerly programing and managing director at Cinematexas Film Festival, Micah was awarded a journalism Fulbright from Texas to Berlin, where she stayed to study directing at the DFFB.
Sales Agent:
Public Film Contact
Michael Weber
The Match Factory
+1 512 969 0237
Publicity Contact
Matt Johnstone Publicity Los Angeles / New York