How "High Maintenance" is Redefining Storytelling

The creators of the hit series "High Maintenance" never set out to be filmmakers. But their love of film and talent for storytelling led them to create a beautifully comical and often poignant tale of a weed delivery man in New York City and the characters he encounters. Katja and Ben’s commitment to this series and their character’s narrative resulted in them creating an internet darling with a substantial critical following. This panel will explore Katja and Ben’s journey with "High Maintenance," which ultimately caught the eye of Vimeo, who acquired it as their first original series. The panel will also provide insight into Vimeo’s philosophy when working with filmmakers, which is to maintain the integrity of the content, while giving creators the power to grow their audience and continue to make the films they love. Katja, Ben, and Kerry will share some anecdotes, talk about High Maintenance’s relationship with Vimeo, as well as some successes since the series launch in late 2014.
Ben Sinclair
High Maintenance
Ben (Executive Producer, Writer, Director) is an actor and editor, both of which he does for High Maintenance. In addition, he has made several short videos and commercials. Originally training ext...
Show the restEric Kohn
Chief Film Critic/Deputy Editor
Katja Blichfeld
High Maintenance
Katja is the Executive Producer, Writer and Director of High Maintenance. She was previously a casting director and has won an Emmy for her work on the critically-acclaimed series 30 Rock. In addit...
Show the restKerry Trainor
Kerry Trainor is the Chief Executive Officer of Vimeo. In this capacity he is responsible for the strategy, oversight, and development of Vimeo’s business.
Mr. Trainor joins Vimeo from AOL, Inc....
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