2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

Dewey Honoree Reception

Sunday, March 15
1:00PM - 2:00PM

Austin Convention Center
Room 8BC
Austin Convention Center

Meet and greet the 10 Dewey Winburne Community Service Awards honorees: sxsw.com/dewey. This is the perfect opportunity to grab some coffee or tea and a mini cupcake while learning about people making amazing change in the world. http://sxsw.com/dewey.


#sxsw #deweys


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Thanks to our sponsors

Miller Lite Esurance AT&T IFC Mazda USA Monster Energy McDonalds logo CapitalOne logo PepsiCo logo Austin Chronicle

Music sponsor

Sonic Bids

Interactive sponsor

Phillips logo