2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

The Next Great Superpower

Monday, March 16
10:30AM - 11:30AM

Trinity Hall
311 E 5th

Ditch your Office and Engage the World Like a Human-Centered Designer

OK. So you want to change the world. We salute you, changemaker. But how are you going to do it? How are you going to effectively design a better world?

Justin (Stanford d.school) and Sean (IDEO.org) will share a bit about their experiences as corporate lawyers and Washington Post journalists turned human-centered designers, highlighting some of their failures along these paths as proof that a burning desire to change the world is just the first step in becoming a true human-centered designer.

Human-centered design is a creative approach to problem solving. One that starts with people and ends with meaningful solutions rooted in the real needs of the world around you. Best of all, the super power of human-centered design is found right there inside each and every one of us. Capes are optional for this interactive session!

Additional Facilitators:

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Justin Ferrell

Fellowships Dir

Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford

Sean Hewens

Dir IDEO.org Amplify Program



Music Badge, Film Badge, Interactive Badge, Gold Badge, Platinum Badge, Artist Wristband

Thanks to our sponsors

Miller Lite Esurance AT&T IFC Mazda USA Monster Energy McDonalds logo CapitalOne logo PepsiCo logo Austin Chronicle

Music sponsor

Sonic Bids

Interactive sponsor

Phillips logo