2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

A Global View of the Next Digital Music Generation

Thursday, March 19
3:30PM - 4:30PM

Austin Convention Center
Room 8C
Austin Convention Center

It's a big world out there. Even the USA and Japan as the top two global markets are polar opposites in terms of recorded music consumption, fan behaviour and engagement.

While the internet is a great leveler, artists, marketers, labels and professionals across the industry must understand that with the next generation of music fans, to go global you will have to get local. We'll examine regional consumption trends, nuances and tips for engaging and selling to fans across the world.


#sxsw #NextDigi


Karim Fanous

Head of Research & Insight

Music Ally

Karim Fanous is Head of Research at Music Ally in London, England

At Music Ally we love music, and we love tech. We believe that these worlds should not be battling each other and so our mission f...

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