Touring & Taxes: Where $10K Isn't Really $10K
From Boston to Brisbane, Los Angeles to Leeds, Raleigh to Regina, tax withholdings at show settlement are a frequent occurrence on tour. Get schooled on the taxation issues of touring by business managers who fight The Man for their artists’ money on a daily basis. We will review which states require promoters to withhold on the artist’s money, what can be done to reduce this tax withholding before the show, and what can be done get it refunded after the show. We'll also review taxation issues of touring in Canada, Europe, the Far East, and South America. The IRS’s Central Withholding Agreement program for foreign artists touring the United States will also be discussed.
Mark Scribner
Business Mgr
Piemonte & Liebhauser LLC
Mark is a partner of the business management firm Piemonte & Liebhauser LLC, in Florham Park NJ. He specializes in handling the business and financial affairs of those working in the music industr...
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