Podcasters Meet Up

Just as fast as every entrepreneur needed a website, soon it seems every company voice will be heard via their own podcast. Join us at this incredible gathering of Podcasters from old school to new school to discuss and chat about the world of podcasting; how to... have the best sound quality, score the top interviews, tell the best story, gain a sea of listeners and make the most revenue. Hosted by Espree Devora of the WeAreLATech podcast, ranked #2 on iTunes New and Noteworthy. Twitter, @espreedevora
Podcasting is thriving now that most of us use smart phones, iPhone 6 has a preloaded podcast app and cars are riding next level with smart phone integration. All these advancements in technology have made an old technology, podcasting, more accessible to the every day consumer. Viral 'Startup Podcast' and 'Serial' hosted and produced by NPR veterans really lit a fire with the media leading to front page headlines ‘Renaissance of Podcasting’ and how Podcasters are the 'New Radio Stars’.