Let’s Supersize Wi-Fi and Change the Future
We need more Wi-Fi. Three decades ago, the FCC designated its first significant swaths of unlicensed spectrum for public use in so-called “garbage bands.” This “garbage” spectrum is where Wi-Fi was born. Today, Wi-Fi is an essential on-ramp for Internet connectivity. More than half of us have used public Wi-Fi—and more than sixty percent of us rely on it at home. Due to the low barriers to entry, Wi-Fi is the perfect sandbox for experimentation. It fosters innovation. It is responsible for more than $140 billion of economic activity annually—and it’s only going to grow.
This is good stuff. We need to keep it coming. So we need public policies that support more Wi-Fi and unlicensed spectrum activity—and we need them now.
Jessica Rosenworcel
Federal Communications Commission
Jessica Rosenworcel was nominated for a seat on the Federal Communications Commission by President Barack Obama and on May 7, 2012 was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate. Commissione...
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