How Gaming Is Changing the Way We Give Back

The past 18 months has seen a surge in games integrating charitable campaigns, making a huge impact on the causes supported and also making a big impact on engagement and retention of the gamer community involved. Games are becoming more meaningful and according to Havas Meaningful Brands index, brands that are seen to be giving back outperform the stock market by 120 percent. The rational is simple, as employees and consumers, we want to buy from and work for companies giving back and have social purpose weaved through the fabric of the business. Our panel will discuss how games are giving back, how and what the impact has been both in social and business terms. And we will also look beyond the games industry to track future trends and growth. Non-gaming companies are taking on board game mechanics to implement their giving back initiatives. Giving the world of gaming serious kudos in terms of recognizing game mechanics as being a powerful source for good.
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Dev & Communications Europe
Room to Read
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