Advanced Mobility

Today, there are technologies that allow semi-autonomous vehicle control, driving habit monitoring, ride sharing, etc. with the intent to increase safety, increase fuel economy, and increase vehicle utilization.
We have all heard about self-driving cars, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and big data, but what’s the value? How soon will we see these technologies implemented? When will we see mass adoption? What will the future of mobility look like? Will OEMs adopt technological innovations from outside?
A panel of experts – investor, entrepreneur, and innovator – will talk about the future of mobility: new applications for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication and autonomous vehicles, challenges of cybersecurity, and opportunities for big data and new ownership models. The panel will also examine where future innovation will come from, how innovations will get to market and where there are opportunities for disruption in the transportation industry.
Alisyn Malek
Investment Mgr
Gm Ventures
Andre Weimerskirch
Research Scientist
University Of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
Jay Ellis
Program Dir M-TRAC Transportation
University of Michigan
Mr. Ellis has spent over 18 years developing and funding cutting edge technologies in mobility. He is currently at the University of Michigan where he funds early stage transportation/mobility inno...
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