Entrepreneurship vs MBA: Mutually Exclusive or Not
Getting an MBA and starting a business, whether together or in either sequence, should not be mutually exclusive paths to take. But there is a lot of discussion in the media about pursuing entrepreneurship and skipping or even dropping out of college or grad school. Much less is discussed about pursuing both higher education and entrepreneurship together or in either sequence. This is a hot, if not controversial, subject.
Our panel will be comprised of MBAs (who had prior work experience before going to graduate school) and non-MBAs, all of whom have been, currently are, or aspire to be entrepreneurs – and have made the decision to get an MBA. Or not. This panel discussion will have a much different take from the common portrayal of simply skipping or dropping out of school to become a billionaire.
Allen Lising
Managing Dir
Dymaxium Inc
Erica Swallow
Class of 2015 MBA Candidate
MIT Sloan School of Management
Jeffrey Chemeres
SVP, Sales & Mktg
Pulse Infoframe Inc
Jeff was a co-founder of Empathica, a customer experience and advocacy measurement company. Empathica which captured over 30 million customers per year, achieved over $22 million in annual sales, a...
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