Big Data and AI Need Each Other And You Need Both
An average company in 15 of the 17 U.S. commercial sectors has more data in its systems than the Library of Congress. Yet, the companies benefitting most from data are the big data companies themselves (47% of the growth for top 50 public cloud companies is driven by big data). For everyone else, beyond thought leadership, will Artificial Intelligence be the catalyst that brings ROI & tangible asset value to data? Whether you’re a large company or a startup, the cross section of big data and A.I. will help you find new sources of revenue, drive new products, help win and keep loyal customers & enhance customer experience. A 2013 Oxford University study found that A.I. technology could soon take over nearly half of all U.S. jobs. Scary for some, but also a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs in this space. In this session our panelists will help us understand if Big Data will fuel the growth of A.I. or if A.I. will be the key to unlocking Big Data. Either way, this future is upon us.
Presented by Umbel