Behind The GIF: The Future of Online Visual Culture
Communication online is increasingly visual. Whether GIFs, emoji, or image macros - the emergent culture of the web is centered around images more than text or full video. How did this happen? What are the root causes? And where is it likely to go into the future?
There are many parts to this story: part of it is generational - there have been important shifts in the communication behavior of younger and older demographics of web users. Another big part of the story is infrastructure: platforms like Imgur, Tumblr, and Giphy has propelled the accessibility and ease of sharing images at rapid speed through the communities of the web.
This panel will bring together an unprecedented conversation between the creators, platforms, and commentators of the evolving visual frontier of the web. We’ll tackle the latest developments in the space, and give a glimpse of what’s to come.
Alex Chung
Founder & CEO
Alex Chung is currently the founder and CEO of Giphy the world's largest gif search engine and a hacker in residence at Betaworks.
His latest startups include Artspace, a leading ecommerce desti...
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