2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

Screens and Stereotypes: How SocialTV Amplifies Images

Tuesday, March 17
11:00AM - 12:00PM

Austin Convention Center
Room 5ABC
Austin Convention Center

Stereotypes of women of color are leaping from TV screens to smartphone and tablet screens with the help of networks. Reality shows that feature women of color rely on ancient and ugly stereotypes to draw audiences. SocialTV amplifies those images and networks are powerful socialTV influencers that use those images to promote TV shows. SocialTV challenges networks to go beyond typical marketing strategies to push shows. Networks such as Vh1 use social constructions of race and gender to promote shows such as Love & Hip Hop using tag lines such as: Empire State and booty shakes. Vh1 even rewards viewers for creating outrageous memes, most often racist and sexist ones, by featuring them on the network’s website. African-Americans are major social TV players. They watch TV two hours more than the national average and use Twitter more than other Americans, but TV images of blacks remain flat and stereotypical. SocialTV is recycling those images on new platforms and among new audiences.


#sxsw #SocialTV


Lynessa Williams

Account Coord

Transform PR

Lynessa Williams is a social media strategist and expert. She is an account coordinator at the social media firm SocialRadius where she manages the social media outreach and social growth for a var...

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Sherri Williams

PhD Candidate Media Researcher

Syracuse University

Sherri Williams is PhD candidate at Syracuse University in the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications where she studies media diversity, social media, social TV and how people of color use s...

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